Attention! Increase in Fraudulent Force Majeure Certificates

The Foreign Trade Chamber of Kazakhstan has recorded a rise in fraudulent activities related to fake force majeure certificates. Fraudsters are providing companies with counterfeit documents that have no legal validity, misleading businesses and putting them at risk.
We remind you that the only organization authorized to issue force majeure certificates is the Foreign Trade Chamber of Kazakhstan (a subsidiary of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, “Atameken”). The Foreign Trade Chamber certifies force majeure circumstances in accordance with the terms of foreign trade transactions and international agreements of Kazakhstan (pursuant to the decision of the Board of the NCE RK “Atameken” dated August 12, 2014, No. 42).
Fake certificates are not recognized by government agencies or courts, which may lead to serious legal consequences for businesses.
To avoid fraudulent schemes, we urge companies to carefully verify information and contact only the Foreign Trade Chamber of Kazakhstan for official force majeure certificates. If you come across suspicious documents or offers, please report them to the Foreign Trade Chamber immediately.
Protect your business and stay vigilant!