Organizational structure

Board members

Karimsakov Murat Ratovich
Chairman of the Board

Zhakishev Assan Kanatovich
Board Member - Chief of Staff
Board Staff
International Cooperation Department
Department of Commercial Activities
Department of Legal Support
Assainova Aigul Mendugalliyevna
Chief Accountant - Economist
Nurpeissova Dana Ashenkyzy
Purchasing Manager - HR

Zhakutova Diana Talgatovna
+7 7172 27 96 16 (вн. 204)
Director of the Department
Supervised directions:
CIS countries, Vietnam

Supervised directions:
European countries, Armenia

Supervised directions:
PRC, Japan, India, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, Persian Gulf countries

Supervised directions:
European countries, African countries, the USA, Canada, Latin America, Korea
Zhumabekova Nadira Meirambekovna
+7 7172 27 96 16 (вн. 211)
Director of the Department
Mukhammedyarov Adil Orazalyevich
+7 7172 27 96 16 (вн. 207)
Project Manager

Akhmetova Altyn Kakimovna
+7 7172 27 96 16 (вн. 218)
Director of the Department